Friday, July 17, 2009


Well that was fast.

My “date” for tonight is suddenly getting cold feet. Hmph. Just as I was getting all revved up for some penis-in-vagina action.

But I know her and how she works. It sounds like she wants things to be a little less orchestrated this evening. Fine by me. I’m all for a late-night booty-call situation. She’ll be tired and kind of cranky, but a drink and a couple of lines will loosen her (and said va-jay-jay) right up. I can’t believe I just wrote “va-jay-jay.”

There’s a party tomorrow that I’m invited to attend. It will be fun and there will be lots of available wimmin in the mix. But there will also be those pesky roving eyeballs, watching my every move. And that sucks. But fuck it, I’m gonna check it out, see what happens. Saturday, in the park, and it’s not even the 4th of July.

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