Saturday, November 14, 2009

The difference is now

What if?

I didn't numb myself with cocaine.

I didn't blame the world/my family/my circumstance/etc for my problems.

I let people get to know me and made/cultivated real friends.

I learned how to love and forgot how to hate.

I didn't have to turn to Kristina Rose to achieve sexual satisfaction, but a real, live woman. So many xtra points if the actual woman is Kristina Rose, obvs (well, a boy can dream, damn it).

I let love happen instead of chasing it away.

I worked on something for me for at least one hour a day.

I just got stoned, worked hard and realized all of my dreams. For real this time.

What if? No, really. What if?

1 comment:

~otto~ said...

Great questions. And the funny thing is that we all know the answers, but do not do anything about it because we do not think we deserve it.

My word verification was "versco"