Monday, June 21, 2010

the corner

I'd like to think I've turned a corner.

This insane year seems to have settled into something of a groove—sort of. I've somehow been able to string together enough wins to keep this party moving forward. Best of all, I haven't completely lost my shit doing so.

That's not entirely true. My stresses do have a tendency of ganging up on me whenever I try to sleep, causing all sorts of nasty nights bleary with insomnia.

But on the good side: I'm still doing it. I've met possibly the coolest girl in the world, and from all indications she might just like me too. I know, right?--wonders never cease.

I have plenty to be thankful for. And I am.

But like most humans, I want more. It feels more like a need than a want, but whatever. But fuck—I DESERVE more. I know, I know: don't we all?

Ah, fuck it. I can always smoke a joint and get back to counting the days until the new woman in my life comes down from her faraway land to spend some time with my funky ass...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is me in the yellow fox hat in the picture on your blog. Why is my picture on here?